Well Check-Up / 2 Year Olds


Children should generally not drink more than 24 ounces of milk each day, although less milk is ok if they have other dairy products. Because toddlers are often picky eaters, mealtime can be a struggle if your child does not want to eat what is served. Continue to offer your child foods from different food groups every day, including fruits and vegetables. Don’t be alarmed if your child refuses a certain food more than once. Many children will eventually try something that they have refused as many as 10 times in the past! Avoid sweet drinks like juice or limit juice intake to no more than 4-6 of 100% fruit or vegetable juice to improve appetite and prevent cavities. If your child refuses to eat at mealtime, you may have to allow him to get down and leave his plate for later. Let him know that when he gets hungry he may try again to eat his meal, but try to avoid giving him sweets or snacks if he fusses again later. Limit processed and packaged foods, such as chips and cookies, and offer as much fresh food and whole grains as possible.


Most two year olds can walk up and down stairs without help, make 5-7 block towers, jump up with 2 feet, and take off their own shoes and pants. Usually they can say around 50 words and make 2 word sentences. They should be starting to use pronouns (I, you, me) and be able to follow 2-step commands, such as “go to your room and get your shoes”. Reading to your child continues to be very important to promote language and reading skills in the future.


At this age, it is very important regularly to clean your child’s teeth at bedtime, using a very small amount (the size of a grain of rice) of toothpaste with fluoride. Even if your child wants to help brush his own teeth, it is important for you to go over all the teeth, especially the back teeth, to make sure all are cleaned. This is a good age to visit the dentist for the first time if you have not already been there!


Most children at this age at least occasionally have temper tantrums, which are usually a sign of frustration or a cry for attention. Whenever possible try to ignore bad behavior and praise good behavior, and step in quickly if your child is starting to get upset or frustrated. If your child has a tantrum at your house, try to leave the room and return only when he or she is quiet. If this happens in public, it can be difficult to follow this plan, but picking up your child and leaving together is often the best remedy. Other strategies include distracting your child by giving him something new to hold on to or allowing him to choose between two acceptable options. Whenever possible tell your child what to do instead of what not to do. (For example, if your child is reaching for things on the shelf in the grocery store, you could tell her to put her hands on her lap instead of telling her to stop reaching.) Make rules very simple, so your child learns what is expected. Time-outs can begin to be an effective tool for some children between 18 and 24 months when used consistently with the general rule being one minute of time out for each year of age. Remember that this will get better!


Sometime after 2 years of age most children will show interest in potty training. Whenever your child wants to sit on the potty, act excited and give her lots of encouragement and praise, even if there are no “results!” It takes most kids some time before they feel comfortable sitting on the toilet and until they understand what is supposed to happen when they sit there. Children must have words or signs for everything associated with potty training before they can communicate their readiness and interest. There is also a normal progression of first knowing what it feels like after they wet or dirty their diapers, then learning what it feels like during this process, to finally knowing before they go. While they may begin potty training at any time, the process cannot be completed until all those steps are achieved. Consider using a sticker or star chart to get your child excited and show progress. Be positive and patient and remember there is great variety in the ages children will become potty trained.


Your child should continue to ride in a car seat in the backseat of the car, although now he can be forward-facing. Make sure your smoke detectors work and have a fire escape plan. Use sunscreen with SPF greater than 30 and insect repellent as needed. Never leave your child alone near water, and continue to use caution with foods that are choking hazards, including grapes, hot dogs, nuts, popcorn, and hard candy.

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